Best of 2020 | Cleveland Wedding Photographer

Well everyone, we made it. 2020 was a year that gave everyone no choice but to be adaptable, and now it’s almost over. Being able to photograph so many beautiful events despite all the chaos and change was so humbling. When this year started, I felt so deeply for all of my clients and friends who had large plans for the year. With all the uncertainty around, it seemed that being a Cleveland wedding photographer was going to be a rough spot. But wow, that could not have been further from the truth. To all my clients this year: I would like to offer each and every one of you the most sincere THANK YOU. Thank you for keeping your trust in me this year. Thank you knowing and trusting that I had your back, despite what this year threw at us.

Being a part of more intimate, meaningful, special celebrations truly kept me going through the year. Each and every couple, family, person I photographed this year had to deviate from the ‘norm’. There was nothing normal about this year, but we made it. On to 2021 we go, let’s make sure there’s no way but UP.

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